Uncategorized Articles

Damn, I’m hanging up my rugby boots…for Mac.

See I love rugby, have loved it ever since I got pulled out of a gym when I was approached by this guy in short shorts while I was under a squat rack with over 500 pounds on it.  He asked me if I wanted to play rugby and that they were short players.  After a short...

Concussions, concussions, concussions everywhere, what about the real danger, subconcussions?

As I learn to twit [tweet] and observe a lot of commentary on social media, I am still amazed at the lack of knowledge regarding subconcussions, contact sports and the links to mental illness.  It is crazy to me that the people I follow, PHd’s, PAs, ATs, researchers,...

Attention all Zombies: We need Brain Donations for CTE/TES research!

A few weeks ago, I was honored to take a tour of the Boston University Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy brain bank hosted by the Concussion Legacy Foundation (CLF)and Dr. Ann McKee. It was amazing to see the facilities that these dedicated researchers work from to...


Now is the time for society to recognize CTE as a threat to our children’s and young athletes’ well-being . . .

Special Operations Soldiers

Special Operations Soldiers

A few months ago, this foundation played a key role in the outlining of new protocols for Special Operations soldiers that are suffering untimely deaths. Here, a Special Forces soldier left behind his family with little sign that he was struggling. Conversations with...

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Technique and Playing Smartly

Technique and Playing Smartly

I was with my wife at a spa where they stretch you, a good thing for an old man. An athletic man was helping me. We started talking about sports, and I told Mac’s story. He started asking questions and told me I was bringing tears to his eyes. This man had to quit...

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“I have an idea why I act the way I do.”

“I have an idea why I act the way I do.”

Not too long ago, we shared Mac’s story with some adolescents undergoing rehabilitation for substance abuse. One of them approached our speaker and informed her he had tried to take his life for the 4th time and had been told all his life that he had psychological...

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Therapist and MPFACT Work Together

Therapist and MPFACT Work Together

The other day I was talking to a therapist who has been keeping track of me as I deal with grief with Mac’s departure. As I told the story of Mac and the Foundation, she told me that, until she met me, she was completely unaware that CTE could be a cause of...

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Bagpipe World Record

Bagpipe World Record

Last week I was skiing in Breckenridge where Mac and I went so often. I had this crazy idea that I should bring my bagpipes to the top of the Imperial Chairlift, which is the highest in North America. However, I didn’t know if my bagpipes would play that high. On two...

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