Forums & Resources
The Mac Parkman Foundation’s goal is to encourage discussion and provide resources for a better understanding of concussive trauma.
View Information
For Parents
Here we will try to provide you updated links to the most relevant information on concussions, sub concussive trauma, and CTE that we can find and provide a forum for you to discuss your thoughts, ideas, or concerns.
For Coaches & Trainers
While we are not coaches, we can attempt to provide any information that we can find to assist coaches in becoming more informed. There are many more people, organizations, and researchers who are much more involved and informed on these issues. Our job is to get the conversation started and hopefully provide connections that can lead to knowledge and the prevention of any future injuries.
For Athletes
For Medical Staff
In order to help any medical professional concerned about concussions, sub concussive activity, or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or desiring more information, we are providing links to organizations, activities and documents that maybe helpful.Â